The First Officer’s Lament, Part 1

  It’s been nine months since that JetBlue captain on flight 191, freaked out, got tricked by his first officer to leave the cockpit of the plane and was wrestled to the ground by passengers.  From a passenger’s perspective, I can only imagine how terrifying that experience would be. You are hanging out, watching movies on …

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The Worst Christmas Ever…

  In honor of the Holiday season I thought I would post this blog on the worst Christmas ever. Okay I’ll be the first to admit that the following story was not the “worst Christmas ever”. It was probably my worst Christmas in recent memory, but I have lived a charmed life. I fully understand …

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The Pilot and the Mustache (In honor of Movember)

Do you know what Movember is? I didn’t until a week or two ago when I saw a good friend, who is normally clean-shaven, growing out what looks like a seventh grader’s peach fuzz. He went on to explain that he was not taking up pedophilia or joining a Mexican gang, he was doing it …

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Flight: A Pilot’s Review

Spoiler alert: This is a review of the movie “Flight” , so I probably reveal some major details of the movie that might ruin it for you. The biggest one, “Flight” is not a very good movie. Okay, so I admit this is not really timely. “Flight” came out two weeks ago and in modern movie times that …

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The Best Part of Sanf Francisco is…

San Francisco, is one of my favorite cities to visit. Whether you like it or not, you can’t deny it is at least interesting. This news clip kind of sums it up: Basically the city is fighting a group of people who feel it is their inalienable right to hang out naked, in the middle of …

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Flying Close to Sandy…Well, Not That Close…

Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on air travel to the Northeast earlier this week, with over 14,000 flight delays. My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected and still dealing with the aftermath of the major storm. I have a hard time, when major events like this happen, to fully understand at an emotional level, …

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Man Caught Smoking On Airplane…My Airplane!

  Oh man people do crazy things. So I am excited to report that on Monday, a particularly stormy day in Chicago, I got to witness someone doing something crazy. First I must pontificate a little: There are crazy people that do crazy things all the time. Then there are rational people, when under stressful circumstances, have …

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The Best Hand Dryer in the World (at least in the continental U.S.)

Hand dryers are something that you probably don’t give a lot of thought to. Not in the same way you worry about the coming global financial collapse or “What’s for dinner…tomorrow?” But nothing, speaking for myself, causes as much of a panic with soaking hands as an old-fashioned hand dryer. Especially if it is one of …

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Customs Officer Adds To America’s Obesity Problems.

  As a pilot that flies to Canada often, I have to go through U.S. and Canadian customs multiple times a month. It is one of the biggest annoyances of the job. It would be all right if the officers working customs had any standardization. But they don’t. Some of the officers are very pleasant people just …

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