Category: People are Crazy…

The Maskless Man, Part 2

In Part 2, Marc has a confrontation with the crazy, maskless man and flexes his authority(or lack there of). The power may or may not have gone to his head.

Fight Plane

slapping nun from airplane

After the many recent headlines of fights breaking out in airports and airplanes, Marc discusses a new airline, where fighting is encouraged and monetized.

The Madman and the Miracle, Part 2: Meet the Madman

Marc continues where he left off in his last blog, describing the lunatic captain he flew with. The captain may be a crazy man, but he also might be able to get him home.

This Year is Going To Be Way Better Than Last Year…

  Wow, it’s 2014. A year when I thought I would probably be stroking my long white beard while my hovership is driven around by my robot butler. Sadly those awesome things haven’t come to fruition yet. Although I have noticed some white in my whiskers so maybe a long white beard is in my …

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“Drunk Fight!”

  I know a lot of people only stay in a hotel only once or twice a year. When they do stay at a hotel, it’s a special occasion like a wedding or a vacation or a girl’s night out. But nothing is worse for someone who spends half their month sleeping in hotels (me), then …

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Become the Cyborg, Not the Robot

  One of my all-time favorite movies as a kid was “Robocop.” It was the first R-rated movie I was allowed to watch and it was a doozy. (Oh, for the record I am not talking about the new Robocop that came out last year, I don’t know nothing abut that shiz.)  In the first ten minutes, …

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Meth, Mormons and Guns: The Idaho Falls Story

  I have talked about it before that there is nothing worse than being up at 5 A.M. I honestly think instead of legislation for daylight savings time, they should just legally remove anything on the clock before 7 am. Recently though on an overnight in Idaho Falls, Idaho, I found something worse than being awake and at 5 …

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Don’t Mess With A Mustachioed Man Part 2…

This is a continuation of “Don’t Mess WIth a Mustachioed Man Part 1” Check it out if you haven’t! Where we last left off, an angry Drunk Guy on a Virgin America Flight I was on, was up in the flight attendants faces, pissed off because they wouldn’t serve him more booze and because he had …

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Don’t Mess With A Mustachioed Man Part 1…

  I have written before about how I think a mustache gives a man an extra element of confidence. In the old west, the baddest of the bad asses were the ones with the biggest mustaches. They were the steely-eyed  killer who could shoot a man down and then ride two horses at once. Well, …

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“The pilot has a burning butt!”

  I’ve talked about how as a first officer we just don’t get the respect the captain gets. I’m good with it most of the time. He gets all the glory but he is also ultimately responsible for the airplane. I am the first officer, but second in command and the captain is almost always there, …

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