Category: Cockpit Stories


  Hello loyal fan thanks for reading (that’s purposefully singular, you know who you are)! This entry is about how recently I had a famous person on my flight! It has been another long break in Marc’s Terminal Illness but not because of I haven’t been spending hours in airports, watching humanity at its best! …

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Flying into the Bear’s Cage: Me and The El Reno Tornado (Sort Of)

  Last week a huge tornado pummeled El Reno, Oklahoma, just west of Oklahoma City and I was there just 40 minutes before the touchdown.  I know people lost their lives in the storm as well as the one less than two weeks before in Moore, Oklahoma, so it’s nothing to trivialize. (You can donate to the Red Cross Relief fund by …

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Meth, Mormons and Guns: The Idaho Falls Story

  I have talked about it before that there is nothing worse than being up at 5 A.M. I honestly think instead of legislation for daylight savings time, they should just legally remove anything on the clock before 7 am. Recently though on an overnight in Idaho Falls, Idaho, I found something worse than being awake and at 5 …

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Don’t Mess With A Mustachioed Man Part 2…

This is a continuation of “Don’t Mess WIth a Mustachioed Man Part 1” Check it out if you haven’t! Where we last left off, an angry Drunk Guy on a Virgin America Flight I was on, was up in the flight attendants faces, pissed off because they wouldn’t serve him more booze and because he had …

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Don’t Mess With A Mustachioed Man Part 1…

  I have written before about how I think a mustache gives a man an extra element of confidence. In the old west, the baddest of the bad asses were the ones with the biggest mustaches. They were the steely-eyed  killer who could shoot a man down and then ride two horses at once. Well, …

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Praise Jesus! I Passed My Checkride!

  Oh man. I have been away for a whole month without a post. I really suck. Part of me thought, “Oh crap, now I can’t post until I have something amazing!” Then I realized I will never have something amazing. Amusing would really be the best I could hope for. I am proud to …

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“The pilot has a burning butt!”

  I’ve talked about how as a first officer we just don’t get the respect the captain gets. I’m good with it most of the time. He gets all the glory but he is also ultimately responsible for the airplane. I am the first officer, but second in command and the captain is almost always there, …

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The First Officer’s Lament Part 3: The Captain has Gone Rogue

Shoot! The Holidays have passed and I haven’t even finished the First Officers Lament! It’s been over two weeks since I last posted. My first New Year’s resolution is to have something up at least once a week! And not to make it too long! And not to always be drunk when I am writing! …

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The First Officer’s Lament: Part Two, How to Spot a Crazy Man.

  Last week in the First Officer’s Lament: Part One, I talked a little bit about what it’s like to be a first officer at a commercial airline. Basically we are constantly playing second fiddle to the captain. Ninety percent of the captains I fly with are good, competent pilots that do I great job of running …

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The First Officer’s Lament, Part 1

  It’s been nine months since that JetBlue captain on flight 191, freaked out, got tricked by his first officer to leave the cockpit of the plane and was wrestled to the ground by passengers.  From a passenger’s perspective, I can only imagine how terrifying that experience would be. You are hanging out, watching movies on …

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