Marc Lowe

Portland, Oregon, USA

Hey! How are ya, friend? I'm Marc Lowe. I am a writer, a comedian, a creative person, and pilot who lives in Portland, Oregon. That order changes depending on the day. I would love to hear from you . Let's make a connection. Let's collaborate. Let's laugh and follow and support each other as digital friends. LET'S GET ANGRY WITH EACH OTHER AND TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Let's make up. Ahhh. Good to have you back! Subscribe to me and I will subscribe to you!

Most commented posts

  1. This Year is Going To Be Way Better Than Last Year… — 6 comments
  2. Meth, Mormons and Guns: The Idaho Falls Story — 5 comments
  3. The First Officer’s Lament, Part 1 — 2 comments
  4. The Best Part of Sanf Francisco is… — 2 comments
  5. Flight: A Pilot’s Review — 2 comments

Author's posts

Doctor! You have no Mask! Part 2: The Exam


Marc talks about his recent medical exam, where he majorly failed the authority bias test.

Doctor! You have no Mask! Part 1: Authority Bias

Marc dives into “authority bias” in an attempt to explain some recent illogical actions.

Thank God for the Superbowl!

American Flag Boy

Marc writes about his former hate and his current love of football in a pandemic. He can’t wait for the Superbowl and to be able to watch it with no one.

Back From the Dead?

zombie typing

After a half-decade, Marc decides to revive his blog. The Russian spam bots are huge fans and demand that he gets back to work.

Live Your Life Like An Airline Captain

Editor’s note: Last year I posted a blog about this time,  on how I was going to do better about posting blogs “this year”. That ended up being the only post of the entire year. Wow. This year I decided to get a little help. I’ve asked Captain Mitch Turpine to do a guest blog. …

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This Year is Going To Be Way Better Than Last Year…

  Wow, it’s 2014. A year when I thought I would probably be stroking my long white beard while my hovership is driven around by my robot butler. Sadly those awesome things haven’t come to fruition yet. Although I have noticed some white in my whiskers so maybe a long white beard is in my …

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The Most Interesting Man in the World….

  We have all seen those Dos Equis’ commercials with “The Most Interesting Man in the World.” If for some reason you’ve been living on another planet, here is a quick compilation to bring you up to speed: One of my personal favorite lines is, “If he punched you in the face, you’d have to fight …

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  Hello loyal fan thanks for reading (that’s purposefully singular, you know who you are)! This entry is about how recently I had a famous person on my flight! It has been another long break in Marc’s Terminal Illness but not because of I haven’t been spending hours in airports, watching humanity at its best! …

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“Drunk Fight!”

  I know a lot of people only stay in a hotel only once or twice a year. When they do stay at a hotel, it’s a special occasion like a wedding or a vacation or a girl’s night out. But nothing is worse for someone who spends half their month sleeping in hotels (me), then …

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Flying into the Bear’s Cage: Me and The El Reno Tornado (Sort Of)

  Last week a huge tornado pummeled El Reno, Oklahoma, just west of Oklahoma City and I was there just 40 minutes before the touchdown.  I know people lost their lives in the storm as well as the one less than two weeks before in Moore, Oklahoma, so it’s nothing to trivialize. (You can donate to the Red Cross Relief fund by …

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