Marc Lowe

Portland, Oregon, USA

Hey! How are ya, friend? I'm Marc Lowe. I am a writer, a comedian, a creative person, and pilot who lives in Portland, Oregon. That order changes depending on the day. I would love to hear from you . Let's make a connection. Let's collaborate. Let's laugh and follow and support each other as digital friends. LET'S GET ANGRY WITH EACH OTHER AND TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Let's make up. Ahhh. Good to have you back! Subscribe to me and I will subscribe to you!

Most commented posts

  1. This Year is Going To Be Way Better Than Last Year… — 6 comments
  2. Meth, Mormons and Guns: The Idaho Falls Story — 5 comments
  3. The First Officer’s Lament, Part 1 — 2 comments
  4. The Best Part of Sanf Francisco is… — 2 comments
  5. Flight: A Pilot’s Review — 2 comments

Author's posts

The Madman and the Miracle, Part 1

Marc writes about the life of an airline commuter and sets up a potential miracle flight to get him home. He also realizes he is writing about himself in the third person.

“Your pilot is working from home…”

Marc, having to prepare for a four day trip, fantasizes about everyone, including him, working from home.

Whaddaya gonna do? Get Your COVID Vaccine, Jamoke.

Marc discusses getting the second vaccine and weighs the risks involved.

Driver’s Ed in the Sky

Marc talks about IOE, which is basically driver’s ed in the sky.

How to Train Your Dog and Yourself

Dog drinking beer

Marc talks about using “reward” to train yourself to do hard things. Which he used to learn a new airplane.

30 Days to Life in the Sheraton

Man in a hotel prison

Marc writes about how a long stay in a hotel can feel like a prison sentence and how to do it like a pro.

Training Part 2:The Interlude, The Plane Ride, and The Better Future

A hotel fort

Marc gets a break in training so he takes a flight home, but must fly on a packed airplane in the times of the Cov’.

Training, Step 1:Learn Something New, Forget Something Old

Image of a man's head exploding with crazy stuff

Marc discusses the first phase of learning a new airplane and how is brain is full.

The Pilot Who Couldn’t Fly

street guy

Marc discusses having to re-learn how to fly airplanes.

Jinx! I Caused the Pandemic.

Marc discusses how a little over a year ago, he jinxed the world with a bad joke. He’s sorry.